Sunday, May 25, 2008

Picture of route from Seattle to Chapel Hill

You can get an idea of my route from this map. Sorry for the numbers but that's Street and Trips for ya...

Monday, May 19, 2008

Departure date is set

I will be leaving Bellevue on Sunday June 1st with my first destination being Mountain Home, ID for my first night out. This day's travel will be pretty boring because it will be all freeway travel with the goal of getting to Utah as quickly as possible.

Hopefully, the weather will cooperate for my first day on the road.

My plan is to take up to 12 days to get to Chapel Hill, NC. I don't know if that is too long, too short or just right. According to the route that I have mapped out and if I stick to it, I will be riding just over 4,000 miles to my destination.

I do plan on spending a couple of days in Utah riding around the big parks like Arches, Moab, etc. then onto Colorado, New Mexico and other southeasterly points.

Stay tuned for more posts and pictures as the ride progresses.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Preparation for the trip

My 2003 Goldwing recently had the 40K service done and it is ready to hit the road.

Currently, I am plotting the route to North Carolina which is the furthest destination east that I will ride to. More on this later.

The departure date is yet to be set but it will be the 3rd or 4th week of this month.
